Saturday, December 5, 2009

Crocheted Horseshoe Crab

Instructions For the Horseshoe Crab
This one is called Poju-rapu and is originally published on Ravelry.

HEAD (Cephalothorax)

Crochet a small circle 2,5” diameter (6-7 rows, worsted weigt yarn[Pic. Pale gray]). Start making a larger D-shaped half circle. Make 29-30 rows [pic. Dark gray].

 Pic. 1 The arrows show the direction of crocheting.


Continue crocheting 6-8 rows to the straight end of the D-shape [pic. White]. Then continue crocheting the body as if crocheting ”a stem” to the D -shape. Make spikes on both sides of the ”stem”. I made first four wider and then three smaller spikes. Look a picture of a real horseshoe crab for modell. The actual horseshoe crab has got twelve legs of which 10 end to pincers. You can add them on the tummy side same way you make the telson.

Pic. 2. The spikes are made in the same time with the body: Crochet along the straight end of the D-shape, make chain and crochet back. Same at the other end. When the spike is wide enough (2-3 rows), start a new spike with a chain. On Poju the first spikes are 8-9 ch long and 3-4 rows wide. Some smaller spikes are 2-4 ch long and 1-2 rows wide. If you want, you can make the spikes after finishing the side seam.
If you use toy eyes, clip them on before closing side seams.


Crochet a big circle (9”). Make sure it's smaller than the upper part. Crochet lower body without any spikes.


Crochet/sew side seams so that the upper head keeps the helmet-like shape and so thar the spikes remain on the upper part of the body. Fill the crab with something soft and washable. Leave a hole at the rear end.

Pic. 4 Tummy-piece is light gray.


Crochet a long, round spike. Fill it. Telson is 2/3 of the horseshoe crabby's whole lenght.

Crochet spine ridge and eye ridges to give shape. (1 row sc.) Give your new pet a name and send the picture to the Happy Crab- group on Ravelry!

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